Ahora utilizaremos de forma sencilla un boton de formulario en conjunto con macros grabadas.
Primero grabaremos una macro, en la hoja pondremos un formato decorado:
Ahora teniendo la primera macro grabada, grabaremos la segunda macro, le cambiaremos la estructura el color y el sombreado etc.
Por ultimo crearemos la tercera macro, a esta tambien le cambiaremos la fuente el color el sombreado y el fondo.
Pondremos unos indicadores:
Ahora nos vamos a la opcion programador, elegimos insertar y por ulitmo insertar boton de formulario.
Ahora ya teniendo el boton le damos doble clic, he ingresamos a Visual Basic y creamos un modulo.
Utilizaremos el condicional IF
Sub estilo()
If [d2] = 1 Then
Selection.Font.Size = 12
Selection.Font.Size = 14
Selection.Font.Size = 16
Selection.Font.Size = 18
Selection.Font.Size = 20
Selection.Font.Size = 22
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.Font.Bold = True
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Aharoni"
.Size = 22
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
Selection.Font.Size = 12
Selection.Font.Size = 14
Selection.Font.Size = 16
Selection.Font.Size = 18
Selection.Font.Size = 16
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight2
.TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.Font.Bold = True
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Adobe Hebrew"
.Size = 11
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent6
.TintAndShade = -0.499984740745262
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent6
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
End If
If [d2] = 2 Then
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.Font.Size = 24
Selection.Font.Size = 26
Selection.Font.Size = 24
Selection.Font.Size = 22
Selection.Font.Size = 20
Selection.Font.Size = 18
Selection.Font.Italic = True
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Hobo Std"
.Size = 18
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
Selection.Font.Bold = False
Selection.Font.Italic = True
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
.TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent5
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 65535
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.Font.Size = 16
Selection.Font.Size = 14
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-15
End If
If [d2] = 3 Then
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Font
.Color = -16776961
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
.TintAndShade = -0.899990844447157
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Font
.Color = -16776961
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Font
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
.TintAndShade = -0.899990844447157
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent3
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2
.TintAndShade = 0.399975585192419
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Comic Sans MS"
.Size = 16
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 16.57
Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 14.71
Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 12.71
Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 13.71
Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 18.14
Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 14.86
End If
End Sub
Y por ultimo copiamos las macros
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